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Adobe Commerce (Magento 2)

MONEI Payments for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) allows you to seamlessly integrate MONEI's payment processing capabilities into your Magento store. This official module provides a secure, reliable, and user-friendly payment experience for your customers.

Live demo

Before you begin

To test your integration:


You can install MONEI Adobe Commerce Extension using composer by adding it to your composer file using following command:

Go to your Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) root directory and run the following commands:

  1. Add the package to your Magento installation:
composer require monei/module-monei-payment
  1. Enable the module:
bin/magento module:enable Monei_MoneiPayment
  1. Run the following commands to upgrade and compile the module:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento cache:clean


To configure the extension you have to go to Stores → Configuration→ Payment Methods (under Sales section) → MONEI

Configure MONEI Adobe Commerce

Enter your API Key. You can find your API Key in MONEI Dashboard → Settings → API Access.

For more information on how to configure the extension, please refer to the MONEI Adobe Commerce Extension documentation.

Before you go live