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MONEI JS Reference

This reference documents every object and method available in MONEI’s browser-side JavaScript library, monei.js.

You can use monei.js’ APIs to integrate prebuilt Components for different payment methods into your own checkout flows across desktop and mobile.

Including monei.js

Include the monei.js script on the checkout page of your site — it should always be loaded directly from, rather than included in a bundle or hosted yourself.

<script src=""></script>

Using monei.js as a module

We also provide an npm package that makes it easier to load and use monei.js as a module.

npm i @monei-js/components

monei object

The monei object is your entrypoint to the rest of the monei.js SDK.

CardInput Component

CardInput is a customizable Component used to collect sensitive card information in your payment forms.

Create an instance of the CardInput Component.

const cardInput = monei.CardInput({
paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',

// render Component on the page

CardInput options

  • paymentId string - A payment ID provided by MONEI in create payment request. Generated payment token will be bound to this payment.
  • accountId string - Your MONEI account ID. Required if you're initializing card input with account ID. Instead of passing paymentId you can initialize a card input with the accountId and sessionId (optional). Generate a payment token before you create the payment itself.
  • sessionId string - Unique session ID in your system. Provide a different sessionId for each customer. Use this parameter to ensure that the customer who generated the token is the same as the one making the payment. Only required if you pass a token to your server. If you provide a sessionId when initializing MONEI Component you will need to provide the same value when you create a payment on your server.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of this Component using CSS properties passed in a Style object.
  • language string - The ISO 639-1 code represents the desired component language. Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru. By default, MONEI smartly detects the correct language for the buyer based on their geolocation and browser preferences.
  • placeholders object - Customize input placeholders
    • cardNumber string - Card number placeholder. Default: "Card number"
    • expiryDate string- Expiry date placeholder. Default: "MM/YY"
    • cvc string - CVC placeholder. Default: "CVC"
  • errorMessages object - Customize error messages
    • emptyCardNumber string - Default: "Enter a card number"
    • invalidCardNumber string - Default: "Card number is invalid"
    • emptyExpiryDate string - Default: "Enter an expiry date"
    • monthOutOfRange string - Default: "Expiry month must be between 01 and 12"
    • yearOutOfRange string - Default: "Expiry year cannot be in the past"
    • dateOutOfRange string - Default: "Expiry date cannot be in the past"
    • invalidExpiryDate string - Default: "Expiry date is invalid"
    • emptyCVC string - Default: "Enter a CVC"
    • invalidCVC string - Default: "CVC is invalid"
  • onFocus:() => void function - Callback function that is called when card input is focused
  • onBlur:() => void function - Callback function that is called when card input is blurred
  • onLoad:() => void function - Callback function that is called when card input is fully loaded
  • onEnter:() => void function - Callback function that is called when user presses Enter key on the keyboard inside card input.
  • onChange:(event: CardInputOnChangeEvent) => void function - Callback function that is called on every user input. Used for real-time validation.
    • event.isTouched boolean - Indicates if card input was touched.
    • event.focused string - Indicates what input is focused. Possible values: cardNumber, expiryDate, cvc
    • cardType string - Detected card type.
    • error string - Card input error. Use this attribute to show an error to a user.
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

CardInput Style object

components are styled using a Style object. It consists of CSS properties nested under objects for any of the following variants:

  • base object - base Component style
  • loading object - base Component style when Component is loading
  • invalid object - applied when the Component has invalid input
  • input object - applied to individual inputs
  • cardNumber object - applied to card number input
  • expiryDate object - applied to expiry date input
  • cvc object - applied to cvc input
  • icon object - applied to icon

The following pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can also be styled using a nested object inside of a variant:

  • :focus
  • :hover
  • ::placeholder
  • ::selection
  • :-webkit-autofill
const style = {
base: {
height: '44px',
padding: '8px 12px'
loading: {
backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4'
input: {
color: '#8961a5',
fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif',
fontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
fontSize: '16px',
'::placeholder': {
color: '#848589'
'-webkit-autofill': {
backgroundColor: '#FAFFBD'
invalid: {
color: '#fa755a'

const cardInput = monei.CardInput({
paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',
style: style,

// render Component on the page

createToken function

Use this function to generate payment token.


Payment tokens generated by monei.js Components expire as soon as they are used or 5 days after creation.

Pass an instance of CardInput Component.

declare const createToken: (Component: MoneiComponent) => Promise<{
token?: string; // payment token
error?: string; // validation error


.createToken(cardInput) // pass a reference to an instance of your CardInput Component
.then(function (result) {
if (result.error) {
// Inform the user if there was an error.
} else {
// Confirm payment using the token.
.catch(function (error) {
// Something went wrong while generating token

PayPal Component

PayPal is a customizable Component that renders a PayPal payment button.

Create an instance of the PayPal Component.

const paypal = monei.PayPal({
paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',
onSubmit(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Inform the user if there was an error.
} else {
// Confirm payment using the token.
onError(error) {

// render Component on the page

PayPal options

  • paymentId string - A payment ID provided by MONEI in create payment request. Generated payment token will be bound to this payment.
  • accountId string - Your MONEI account ID. Required if you're initializing the Component with account ID. Instead of passing paymentId you can initialize the Component with the accountId and sessionId (optional). Generate a payment token before you create the payment itself.
  • sessionId string - Unique session ID in your system. Provide a different sessionId for each customer. Use this parameter to ensure that the customer who generated the token is the same as the one making the payment. Only required if you pass a token to your server. If you provide a sessionId when initializing MONEI Component you will need to provide the same value when you create a payment on your server.
  • amount positive integer - Amount intended to be collected by this payment. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge 1.00 USD). Required if you initialize a Component with accountId. You'll need to pass the same value when creating the payment.
  • currency string - Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. Must be a supported currency. Required if you initialize a Component with accountId. You'll need to pass the same value when creating the payment.
  • transactionType string - Controls when the funds will be captured. Required if you initialize a Component with accountId. You'll need to pass the same value when creating the payment.
    • SALE - default. MONEI automatically captures funds when the customer authorizes the payment.
    • AUTH - Place a hold on the funds when the customer authorizes the payment, but don’t capture the funds until later.
  • language string - The language of the Component. By default, MONEI smartly detects the correct language for the buyer based on their geolocation and browser preferences. It is recommended to pass this parameter only if you need the PayPal button to render in the same language as the rest of your site. List of supported languages.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of PayPal button.
    • height string - By default, the button adapts to the size of its container element. To customize the button width, alter the width of the container element. To customize the button height, set the style.height option to a value from 25 to 55.
    • shape string - Set button shape. Possible values: rect, pill
    • color string - Set button color. Possible values: gold, blue, silver, white, black
    • layout string - Determine the button layout when multiple buttons are available Possible values: vertical, horizontal
    • label string- Set button label. Possible values: checkout, credit, pay, buynow, paypal, installment
  • onLoad:(isSupported: boolean) => void function - Callback function that is called when paypal is fully loaded. If this payment method is not supported, the Component will not show up, and onLoad callback will be triggered with isSupported: false
  • onBeforeOpen:() => boolean function - Callback function that is called before the PayPal window is opened. If the function returns false, the PayPal window will not be opened.
  • onSubmit:(result: {token?: string; error?: string}) => void function - Callback function that is called when customer approves the payment.
    • result.token string - Payment token
    • result.error string - Payment error. Use this attribute to show an error to a user.
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

PaymentRequest Component

PaymentRequest is a customizable Component that renders a Google Pay or Apple Pay payment button depending on the browser and operating system of the user.

Create an instance of the PaymentRequest Component.

const paymentRequest = monei.PaymentRequest({
paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',
onSubmit(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Inform the user if there was an error.
} else {
// Confirm payment using the token.
onError(error) {

// render Component on the page

PaymentRequest options

  • paymentId string - A payment ID provided by MONEI in create payment request. Generated payment token will be bound to this payment.
  • accountId string - Your MONEI account ID. Required if you're initializing the Component with account ID. Instead of passing paymentId you can initialize the Component with the accountId and sessionId (optional). Generate a payment token before you create the payment itself.
  • sessionId string - Unique session ID in your system. Provide a different sessionId for each customer. Use this parameter to ensure that the customer who generated the token is the same as the one making the payment. Only required if you pass a token to your server. If you provide a sessionId when initializing MONEI Component you will need to provide the same value when you create a payment on your server.
  • amount positive integer - Amount intended to be collected by this payment. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge 1.00 USD). Required if you initialize a Component with accountId. You'll need to pass the same value when creating the payment.
  • currency string - Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. Must be a supported currency. Required if you initialize a Component with accountId. You'll need to pass the same value when creating the payment.
  • language string - The ISO 639-1 code represents the desired button language. Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of Google Pay button.
    • height string - By default, the button adapts to the size of its container element. To customize the button width, alter the width of the container element. To customize the button height, set the style.height option to a value from 25 to 55.
    • type string - Set button type. Possible values:
      • buy - "Buy with Google Pay / Apple Pay" button.
      • donate - "Donate with Google Pay / Apple Pay" button.
      • plain - button without additional text (default).
    • color string - Set button color. Possible values: default, black, white
  • onLoad:(isSupported: boolean) => void function - Callback function that is called when payment request is fully loaded. If this payment method is not supported, the Component will not show up, and onLoad callback will be triggered with isSupported: false
  • onBeforeOpen:() => boolean function - Callback function that is called before the payment window is opened. If the function returns false, the payment window will not be opened.
  • onSubmit:(result: {token?: string; error?: string}) => void function - Callback function that is called when customer approves the payment.
    • result.token string - Payment token
    • result.error string - Payment error. Use this attribute to show an error to a user.
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

Bizum Component

Bizum is a customizable Component that renders a Bizum payment button.

Create an instance of the Bizum Component.

const bizum = monei.Bizum({
paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',
onSubmit(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Inform the user if there was an error.
} else {
// Confirm payment using the token.
onError(error) {

// render Component on the page

Bizum options

  • paymentId string - A payment ID provided by MONEI in create payment request. Generated payment token will be bound to this payment.
  • accountId string - Your MONEI account ID. Required if you're initializing the Component with account ID. Instead of passing paymentId you can initialize the Component with the accountId and sessionId (optional). Generate a payment token before you create the payment itself.
  • sessionId string - Unique session ID in your system. Provide a different sessionId for each customer. Use this parameter to ensure that the customer who generated the token is the same as the one making the payment. Only required if you pass a token to your server. If you provide a sessionId when initializing MONEI Component you will need to provide the same value when you create a payment on your server.
  • amount positive integer - Amount intended to be collected by this payment. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge 1.00 USD). Required if you initialize a Component with accountId. You'll need to pass the same value when creating the payment.
  • currency string - Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. Must be a supported currency. Required if you initialize a Component with accountId. You'll need to pass the same value when creating the payment.
  • language string - The ISO 639-1 code represents the desired button language. Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of Google Pay button.
    • height string - By default, the button adapts to the size of its container element. To customize the button width, alter the width of the container element. To customize the button height, set the style.height option to a value from 25 to 55.
    • type string - Set button type. Possible values:
      • pay - "Pay with Bizum" button.
      • plain - button without additional text (default).
  • onLoad:(isSupported: boolean) => void function - Callback function that is called when payment request is fully loaded. If this payment method is not supported, the Component will not show up, and onLoad callback will be triggered with isSupported: false
  • onBeforeOpen:() => boolean function - Callback function that is called before the Bizum window is opened. If the function returns false, the payment window will not be opened.
  • onSubmit:(result: {token?: string; error?: string}) => void function - Callback function that is called when customer approves the payment.
    • result.token string - Payment token
    • result.error string - Payment error. Use this attribute to show an error to a user.
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

Cofidis Component

Cofidis is a customizable Component that renders a Cofidis payment button.

Create an instance of the Cofidis Component.

const cofidis = monei.Cofidis({
paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',
onSubmit(result) {
// Redirect the customer to the Cofidis payment page
onError(error) {

// render Component on the page

Cofidis options

  • accountId string - Your MONEI account ID.
  • language string - The ISO 639-1 code represents the desired button language. Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of Google Pay button.
    • height string - By default, the button adapts to the size of its container element. To customize the button width, alter the width of the container element. To customize the button height, set the style.height option to a value from 25 to 55.
  • onLoad:(isSupported: boolean) => void function - Callback function that is called when payment request is fully loaded. If this payment method is not supported, the Component will not show up, and onLoad callback will be triggered with isSupported: false
  • onBeforeOpen:() => boolean function - Callback function that is called before the Cofidis window is opened. If the function returns false, the payment window will not be opened.
  • onSubmit:(result: {redirectUrl: string}) => void function - Callback function that is called when customer approves the payment.
    • result.redirectUrl string - Cofidis payment page redirect url
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

CofidisWidget Component

Cofidis Widget is a customizable Component that renders a Cofidis commercial conditions.

Create an instance of the Cofidis Widget Component.

const cofidisWidget = monei.CofidisWidget({
accountId: '2975bcfa-7bbc-422d-af48-c66759d87b69',
amount: 100,
onError(error) {

// render Component on the page

CofidisWidget options

  • paymentId string - A payment ID provided by MONEI in create payment request. Generated payment token will be bound to this payment.
  • amountInt positive integer - The amount used as a base to calculate load conditions. A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge 1.00 USD).
  • amount positive float (required if amountInt is not specified) - The amount used as a base to calculate load conditions.
  • language string - The ISO 639-1 code represents the desired button language. Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru.
  • hint boolean - if true will display a hint "More information" below the button. Default: true.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of Google Pay button.
    • base object - base Component style
    • link object - link style
    • amount object - amount style
  • onLoad:() => void function - Callback function that is called when payment request is fully loaded.
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

CofidisWidget instance methods

  • redner: (container: string | DOMElement) => void - renders the widget to the container DOM element
  • **updateProps: (options: CofidisWidgetProps) => void ** - updates the widget with new options (use this method to update amount)

CofidisPay Component

Cofidis Pay is a customizable Component that renders a Cofidis Pay payment button.

Create an instance of the Cofidis Pay Component.

const cofidisPay = monei.CofidisPay({
paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',
onSubmit(result) {
// Redirect the customer to the Cofidis payment page
onError(error) {

// render Component on the page

CofidisPay options

  • accountId string - Your MONEI account ID.
  • language string - The ISO 639-1 code represents the desired button language. Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of Google Pay button.
    • height string - By default, the button adapts to the size of its container element. To customize the button width, alter the width of the container element. To customize the button height, set the style.height option to a value from 25 to 55.
  • onLoad:(isSupported: boolean) => void function - Callback function that is called when payment request is fully loaded. If this payment method is not supported, the Component will not show up, and onLoad callback will be triggered with isSupported: false
  • onBeforeOpen:() => boolean function - Callback function that is called before the Cofidis Pay window is opened. If the function returns false, the payment window will not be opened.
  • onSubmit:(result: {redirectUrl: string}) => void function - Callback function that is called when customer approves the payment.
    • result.redirectUrl string - Cofidis payment page redirect url
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

CofidisPayWidget Component

Cofidis Pay Widget is a customizable Component that renders a Cofidis Pay commercial conditions.

Create an instance of the Cofidis Pay Widget Component.

const cofidisPayWidget = monei.CofidisPayWidget({
accountId: '2975bcfa-7bbc-422d-af48-c66759d87b69',
amount: 100,
onError(error) {

// render Component on the page

CofidisPayWidget options

  • paymentId string - A payment ID provided by MONEI in create payment request. Generated payment token will be bound to this payment.
  • amountInt positive integer - The amount used as a base to calculate load conditions. A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge 1.00 USD).
  • amount positive float (required if amountInt is not specified) - The amount used as a base to calculate load conditions.
  • language string - The ISO 639-1 code represents the desired button language. Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru.
  • hint boolean - if true will display a hint "More information" below the button. Default: true.
  • style object - Customize the appearance of Google Pay button.
    • base object - base Component style
    • link object - link style
    • amount object - amount style
  • onLoad:() => void function - Callback function that is called when payment request is fully loaded.
  • onError: (error: Error) => void function - Callback function that is called when there is an error.

CofidisPayWidget instance methods

  • redner: (container: string | DOMElement) => void - renders the widget to the container DOM element
  • **updateProps: (options: CofidisPayWidgetProps) => void ** - updates the widget with new options (use this method to update amount)

confirmPayment function

After you generate the paymentToken using one of the Components, use this function to confirm the payment passing the obtained paymentToken. It will automatically show a popup window with a 3D Secure confirmation screen if required.

You can also use this function without a paymentToken attribute. It will show a payment popup window.

You can provide additional customer information in parameters.

declare const confirmPayment: (params: ConfirmPaymentParams) => Promise<PaymentResult>;

Confirm payment params

  • paymentId string required - A payment ID provided by MONEI in create payment request
  • paymentToken string - A payment token generated by monei.js. If paymentToken is present the popup window will open directly to a 3D Secure confirmation screen (if needed).
  • generatePaymentToken boolean - If set to true a permanent token that represents a payment method used in the payment will be generated.
  • fullscreen boolean - Set this parameter to true to open a fullscreen confirmation window.
  • language string - Two-letter language code (ISO 639-1). Supported locales include en, es, ca, pt, de, it, fr, nl, et, fi, lv, no, pl and ru. If provided overrides browser detected user language.
  • allowedPaymentMethods string[] - List of allowed payment methods. If provided overrides payment methods allowed in the payment. Supported payment methods: card, googlePay,clickToPay, bizum, paypal.
  • customDomain string - Custom domain to use for the payment popup window. If you have custom domain configured this option is required for the popup window to work.

Check confirm payment for the full list of parameters.

Payment result

  • id string - Unique identifier for the payment.
  • status string - The status of the payment.
  • amount positive integer - Amount intended to be collected by this payment. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge 1.00 USD).
  • currency string - Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase.
  • accountId string - MONEI account ID.
  • orderId string - An order ID from your system. A unique identifier that can be used to reconcile the payment with your internal system.
  • statusCode string - Payment status code.
  • statusMessage string - Human readable status message, can be displayed to a user.
  • nextAction object - If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.
    • type string
    • mustRedirect boolean
    • redirectUrl string

Check payment object for the full description of each field


paymentId: 'af6029f80f5fc73a8ad2753eea0b1be0',
paymentToken: 'fe6786e08ded3191cf2f623e120a0bacda715bf2',
.then(function (result) {
// Payment result
.catch(function (error) {
// Something went wrong while confirming payment